17 February 2012
Want Fast Broadband in Rural Norfolk? Register NOW.

Today George launched an Appeal to all those with an interest in fast rural Broadband to register.

“It’s great news that we have secured £60m funding from national and local Government and private sector to upgrade our broadband. BUT as the new network infrastructure is planned we need to make sure that it provides for the hidden need in rural areas. All of us who want rural broadband must register and support the “Say Yes to Better Broadband for Norfolk” campaign.

To join over 8,000 people who have already registered their support, please follow the link below:

This morning George launched the campaign with award winning Attleborough entrepreneur and founder of Liftshare, Ali Clabburn, and Norfolk County Councillor responsible for Broadband, Ann Steward, to encourage everyone to register their support.

As the founder of the UK’s biggest online car-sharing network, Ali Clabburn highlighted the importance of improved broadband for rural enterprise.

Speaking after the meeting, George said “Liftshare is a great example of how one person with a broadband connection on a farm can start up an award-winning, profitable and growing national business. Norfolk has one of the fastest growing economies in the country and superfast broadband will help us achieve the sustainable economic recovery we all want to see.

“But broadband is not just an essential business tool. By connecting people in remote rural areas it is a powerful force for opportunity, social mobility and empowerment – opening doors to people who couldn’t otherwise travel to access new opportunities, and supporting more work from home and family friendly-work. Broadband is crucial to the renaissance of a vibrant rural economy and community here in rural Norfolk.
“I have long believed we CAN have new opportunities AND keep our traditional way of life – this is why I started The Norfolk Way” – click here to find out more: www.thenorfolkway.co.uk

Photo: George with Liftshare founder, Ali Clabburn, and Norfolk County Councillor responsible for Broadband, Ann Steward at the launch of an appeal to register and support the “Say Yes to Better Broadband for Norfolk” campaign.