13 August 2014

For too long and all too often, planning has come to seem like something done TO communities instead of something done BY communities for themselves.

That’s why I am delighted to say that my decision to request that the Secretary of State 'call in' the decision to build houses in the Tiffey Valley, on the grounds of protecting this precious local amenity and planning permission has paid off, and planning permission has been refused.

MPs don't normally 'do' planning, but I believed this was such an important issue for Wymondham that I decided to do what I could, including going head to head with the developers’ barrister at the end of last year. I am so glad that all the hard work has now paid off.

As you know, Wymondham is a jewel of a market town which is putting together a long term Town Plan based on a vibrant local economy and high quality of life, which this development would have undermined. We need housing, but not at the cost of our precious green spaces.

This is an enormous victory for those 1000’s of you that signed the on-line petitions against the development, for all those of you that wrote to the Minister, for all of those that telephoned my office and also for South Norfolk District Council who were against this proposal. This was truly a team effort.

Well done to everyone involved in this campaign.