Early this year, as part of my ongoing discussions with Necton, and the surrounding communities, regarding Vattenfall UK’s proposals to build the substation for their Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm in the village, I was made aware that the site in question had been the location of an F-16 fighter jet crash back in 1996 – which required a major military operation to clean up hazardous, and potentially radioactive, materials that had been dispersed.
That’s why, when making my ‘Relevant Representation’ and submission to the Planning Inspectorate back in September, I raised the significant local concern about the effect that construction on the site could have in disturbing any remaining contaminants.
I have since received a substantial dossier, compiled by members of the Necton Substation Action Group and a local landowner, on the plane crash, explaining further the seriousness of the incident and the fact that the contaminated site may be much larger than first thought – actually encompassing the entire area that Vattenfall wish to use, not just a small part of the forecasted cable corridor.
I have, therefore, written to the Chief Executive of Breckland District Council, Anna Graves, to stress the importance of this information and to ask for an update on what specific measures have been taken by council officers to fully investigate the matter. It is imperative that when the Planning Inspectorate consider whether or not to allow these proposals to go ahead, they are aware of all of the facts regarding the plane crash. If there is any chance that hazardous material could be disturbed, putting residents at risk, the application must not be allowed to proceed.
Rest assured, I remain firmly committed to following this situation closely – and to ensuring that the relevant Ministers are also made aware.
To read my comments to the EDP, please click here