7 May 2010
Read George's acceptance speech to the voters of Mid Norfolk on his election to Parliament.

Thank you Mr. Returning Officer, all your team here tonight, the Police and all those who have manned polling booths and worked behind the scenes to administer this election, for doing it on the night instead of tomorrow morning, and in such an exemplary and efficient way, on a night when there have been so many problems elsewhere.

It is an immense privilege to have been elected by the people of Mid Norfolk to represent them in Parliament and I want to thank all those who have placed their trust in me. I pledge now tonight to work hard for all the people of this constituency, regardless of their affiliation.

I would like to congratulate and thank the other Candidates for making this a clean positive campaign on the issues. We have all of us fought in a campaign at a time of deep disillusionment with politics and everyone who has taken part – in however small a way – can go home tonight proud of having done their bit.

My campaign has been about trying to rebuild some trust in politics through a deep commitment to Norfolk and the challenges and opportunities we face. We won by taking no vote for granted, knocking on over 20,000 doors with my team, and being out and about and accessible as humanly possible. There are no shortcuts to rebuilding trust in politics.

This is not the time to even begin to thank all those many people who have helped me here. Many of you are here tonight. You know who you are. My local Conservative Association, Chairman and Agent for selecting and supporting me, and a team of friends and local volunteers. I have had more support than I could ever have asked for, and I am sincerely grateful and aware of the trust you have placed in me.

There is one person who I can never thank enough: my wife Eleanor – who has held the family together over the last 6 years and been my rock. As we all know, partners in politics pay a high price and get little thanks.

Whatever the result, the Parliament which assembles next week - with over 300 new MPs - will be unrecognisable from the last. It needs to be. Whoever wins, the people of Britain have spoken with a clear voice on one thing: a demand for a better politics of integrity, duty and a commitment to people and place before party. Of course we need parties for Government, and I am proud tonight to be elected tonight as one of a new generation of Conservatives under David Cameron’s leadership. But good politics starts locally with hard working constituency MPs. For the new Mid Norfolk constituency It Starts Here.

Across the land tonight, in halls like this, a new generation is being summoned to serve our country in our Parliament. We carry a huge responsibility.

Thank you for placing your trust in us.

Mid Norfolk Election Results in full