4 December 2020
Small Business Saturday

Having spent fifteen years helping small businesses get off the ground before coming to Parliament and having previously served as a Business Minister for two years, I am a passionate supporter of Small Business. It is the true engine of our local, and national, economy.

One of my central missions since becoming an MP has been to promote hard-working entrepreneurs and small business owners in our area by trying to give them a stronger voice, and the support they need. To do this, I set up my Local Business Spotlight on my website, Rural Enterprise Bursaries and my ‘The Norfolk Way and The Norfolk Enterprise Festival’.

This year ‘The Norfolk Enterprise Festival’, teamed up with the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership to deliver the RESTART Festival.  The festival took place virtually, delivering two days of free, informative, and exciting sessions to give Norfolk and Suffolk’s businesses the support they need to kickstart and consolidate their recovery from the impact of the pandemic.

There was a vast array of speakers and presentations, as well as our third annual Angels Den (with £10,000 of business support from our sponsors). 

To learn more and to watch the talks back, please visit the website here: RESTART website.

I have also been a keen supporter of our local markets, and regularly visit local businesses to hear how my colleagues and I in Westminster can help them continue to grow and prosper. During this incredibly difficult year, I have made sure to advise, support and keep in touch with as many businesses as possible, as well as arranging several zoom calls, email surveys, and touching base with the Local Enterprise Partnership and Local Business Forum.

Small businesses are KEY to driving what I call a ‘Rural Renaissance’ in our area and I am delighted to be supporting ‘Small Business Saturday’ once again this year.

I would encourage everyone to take the time to visit safely and get behind their local shops and businesses.

To read more about the ‘Norfolk Enterprise Festival’, please click here