3 March 2015

After a recent visit to this inspiring club for the disabled and able bodied, I had a message from the Head Coach Carole Darnell, a former Gold Medal winner at the British Championships.

“I recently took 5 of my best shooters to the British Championships last weekend, where they really did make me proud. One of them even bought back a medal for making it into the final. He came out of the final in 7th place.

“I was wondering if you had any contacts that might be able to help out 2 of my shooters that were competing last weekend? One is a pistol shooter, Mikla (pictured below). She has seen a pistol that is absolutely right for her but it is £1,000. Mikla is a natural talent and I believe she has a real chance of getting to the Paralympics in Tokyo 2020.

“The other is Tom, a rifle shooter, who, despite an old and very heavy rifle, did well in the competition. A good rifle is approximately £2,500. If you do know of anyone that might be able to sponsor either of these two shooters with a gun, I will obviously keep them up dated with their achievements.”

If you are interested in helping, please let me know at george@georgefreeman.co.uk or telephone my office on 01953 600617