14 June 2022
SEND – Update

As I continue my ongoing work to help speak up for and support our local schools (both mainstream and specialised) on a variety of issues, I am acutely aware that many of them are struggling under the pressure of accommodating increasing numbers of children that require SEND support.

While our brilliant local teachers and support staff continue to work tirelessly to provide the best possible education and care for this key group of people, I have heard their concerns about the growing pressures and have been raising the issue on behalf of all of Mid Norfolk, and beyond.

Having recently met with the Department for Education’s new Regional Schools Commissioner for the East of England, Jonathan Duff, to discuss what more can be done nationally (building on the recent, positive announcements made by the Secretary of State and his ministerial team), I am keen to establish what WE, here in Norfolk, can do alongside that to improve SEND provision in our local schools – and that’s why I am delighted to be meeting with the NCC Education team again later this week.

I will be raising a collation of feedback I have received from headteachers, staff and parents and will be reaffirming my commitment to doing all I can as your local MP to ensure that this key group in society get the education and support they need.

To follow my progress on this campaign, please do continue to check in on my website here .