12 May 2020
Saham Toney Neighbourhood Plan

As part of my ongoing work to help communities in Mid Norfolk create their own Neighbourhood Plans, I am delighted to promote the efforts of Saham Toney Parish Council.

Many hours of tireless community work has gone into producing the Plan and, even in these difficult times, the hard work continues.

Unable to hold a public meeting, the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group have prepared a set of ‘stay at home’ slideshows to update local businesses and residents on the Plan’s progress. These can be downloaded from their website here

For those without the time to sit down and read through the slideshows in detail, the Working Group have produced a ‘5 minute Coffee Break’ summary, which can also be accessed on the website.

The Neighbourhood Plan is a hugely important piece of work for the community – helping to determine how they would like the village to grow over the next two decades. I would encourage everyone associated with the village to take the time to look over the documents and share their views.