17 June 2020
Reopening of Schools

We need to get our schools reopened and our children back into them as soon as possible. 

Missing school is very damaging for children’s life prospects – especially the most vulnerable. And for many working couples the lack of school makes it impossible for them to return to work and deepens the risk of family difficulties with finances and home schooling, which as we know is very difficult for many families. 

We can’t allow a Covid Generation of children to fall behind in life because of missed learning. 

This crisis has called for unprecedented measures in finance and public health, and I think we need to see the same in education. 

With an openness to innovation we could help pupils, schools, teachers and parents. 

So, I would like to see a big move by the Government to tackle this with: 

  • Removing the 2m rule for children under 16
  • Access to testing for all school staff as key workers 
  • Schools reopened now for an extra summer term running to end July 

Then, a digital “summer school” programme for children to log on to digital learning modules and laptops provided for children who don’t have them so they can access it. (I know a number of schools in our area are already providing laptops to children who do not currently have one).

We cannot allow our vulnerable children to fall behind. 

With a big push we can make this a moment of educational innovation to make sure no child is left behind.