12 October 2012
Norfolk has a rich heritage of villages and market towns in which people want to live, but a vibrant village needs jobs in it too. It is my belief that a focus on promoting entrepreneurship and local new businesses is the key to generating a sustainable rural economy that has the activity required to retain the young and maintain local services. When I set up The Norfolk Way in 2007 it was to do just that by inspiring entrepreneurs and proving that rural Norfolk can be a flagship for this new vision of a sustainable rural economy.

Two years ago we launched the Norfolk Way Bursary scheme, which provides work experience for sixth formers and school leavers who want to gain experience and knowledge of working in a business environment. Today, we held an event at the excellent Wymondham High to launch the new Norfolk Way Work Club that brings together aspiring school leavers with local businesses and provides hands-on support for occasional, one-off or part-time jobs with zero bureaucracy. The event itself was an opportunity for students, staff and the Norfolk Way board to meet 25 local business leaders and discuss the mutual value of providing practical work enterprise experience. It is possible to combine heritage and prosperity to generate a vibrant rural economy and that is why I continue to champion and support the work of The Norfolk Way as a first-class example of this ethos in action.

You can find out more about The Norfolk Way on their website, www.thenorfolkway.co.uk

If you think your business could benefit from offering occasional, one-off or part-time jobs enthusiastic students and sixth formers please get in touch with through the Norfolk Way website or contact me directly on george.freeman.mp@parliament.uk

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