Mental health provision has long been an issue very close to my heart. I have seen first-hand how mental health issues affect friends and family members and can destroy lives.
As many of constituents have seen, the CQC have recently upgraded the overall rating of Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement’. The Trust’s ratings for being safe, effective and well-led also improved from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement’.
This is positive news – but it is simply not enough.
That’s why, as part of my ongoing work alongside fellow parliamentary colleagues in the East to hold Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) officials to account and to try and drive forward the significant and urgent improvements required to mental health provision in our region, I welcomed the updated provided to us as regional MPs earlier this week by the minister responsible for mental health, Maria Caulfield MP.
While the Minister recognises the progress that has been made over recent months, she has been clear that she still sees very significant challenges at the NSFT which must be addressed. NHS England will therefore continue to provide close support to the NSFT as they continue with the package of improvement measures that are being implemented, with a full-time improvement director in place and representation on the Trust’s governance meetings so that they have full visibility of the latest data on improvements needed.
NHS England will also work closely with the NSFT and the two county Integrated Care Boards as work continues to drive forward the speed and level of improvements needed for mental health provision in the region.
I will be following progress very closely – and look forward to the next Norfolk and Suffolk MP meeting with the Minister so that we can continue to scrutinise the progress being made.
Rest assured, this remains a key focus on mine at this time.
To learn more about my work ‘speaking up for mental health services’, please click here.