29 September 2014
Interactive music workshops for residential care homes and day care centres
Based on research into the positive and powerful effects music and sound frequencies have on wellbeing, Music for Health participating workshops go down a storm. They contain a finely balanced selection of music and incorporate various activities, props and tools to enhance wellbeing. The sessions are inclusive, stimulating and fun!
Totally interactive, participants are encouraged to join in at their own speed and do as much or as little as is comfortable.
I am proud to be a valued service provider in over 60 social care settings across the Norfolk/ Suffolk borders. If you would like a free taster session please contact me.


Linda Stretch
Music for Health Practitioner
Music for Health
Tel: 07527920576 / 01359 251774
E: lindastretch.mfh@btinternet.com
Web: musicforhealthltd.co.uk
Twitter: @LindaStretch