24 May 2013
Mid-Norfolk Rural Broadband Seminar

Modern communications are essential for unlocking new opportunities and for preserving our rural way of life here in Norfolk. Without mobile phone coverage, fast broadband, and good road and rail links, rural Norfolk risks being condemned to becoming poorer and increasingly cut off. We don’t just need roads for holiday makers and commuters, we need a communications infrastructure that support vibrant villages and thriving towns with local jobs and access to modern services for young and old.

Fast Broadband is increasingly a necessity for rural communities and especially small businesses, pensioners and youngsters who may otherwise struggle to access services and opportunities.

I was delighted to work with Norfolk County Council in our bid to secure Government funding for Norfolk to be one of the first counties to have our telephone network upgraded from copper to fibre with BT, and its great news that 90% of Norfolk will have 2 megabytes by 2015. But the last 10% needs a solution too and it would be daft to sit on our hands waiting for BT when there are a range of new and innovative solutions becoming available.

I organised Friday’s Seminar to showcase a number of those solutions to my constituents and I was delighted that there was such strong interest and turnout. Those present saw an excellent presentation from the Better Broadband for Norfolk Programme and BT, on the plans for Broadband provision in our area. We await the announcement of Phase 1 in the next six months or so, with great interest. From those present at the Seminar there was a resounding call for more information on the planned coverage area and timescale, so if necessary they can use alternative providers. This is something that I will continue to campaign for, watch this space for further updates. I shall be holding a similar event in a few months time.

Alongside the BDUK and BT upgrade plans; there are a number of innovative solutions that can offer fast and superfast broadband today. Four of these providers were present at Friday’s seminar:

1. Blu Orb
2. Rural Broadband
3. Thinkingwisp
4. WiSpire