16 June 2015
The debate about improving educational standards is perhaps the most important of our time. That’s why improving local education and putting aspiration at the heart of our schools is one of my central priorities for this Parliament, working with our great local teachers to put Norfolk at the top of the league tables and giving all young people in Norfolk the skills they need for their careers.
To do that, we need innovation in our classrooms, which is why I salute Wymondham High’s innovative approach to improving standards.  They have installed some viewing galleries into some classrooms with one way mirrors and recording material, so that the teacher can watch a play back of their teaching style in order to make improvements in much the same way as athletes do.
For too long, some have viewed our area as a ‘rural backwater’. Together I believe we can change that misguided perception for good. As my original Election motto suggested, It Starts Here!