5 March 2008
Hundreds of people across Mid Norfolk signed George's petition in December calling for the Government to honour its manifesto promise to hold a referendum on the European Treaty.

George and a team of campaigners held street stalls in Dereham, Watton, Wymondham and Attleborough. Over 3000 people took away petition cards to post in to call for a referendum, and several hundred more signed a local petition.

The campaign was organised by George, who will stand as the prospective MP for the new Mid Norfolk constituency at the next election: "People in Norfolk want a say on whether their sovereignty should be given over to Europe. 30 years ago people voted for a Common Market, not a Political Union."

Local resident Charles Holloway said: "Politicians should not be allowed to give away powers that belong to us, the people, without asking us. Norfolk doesn't want or need more powers in Europe. We want more voice for Norfolk."

The campaigners were joined by East Anglia MEP Geoffrey Van Orden: "Gordon Brown promised a referendum in Labour's manifesto. The Reform Treaty is the same Constitution that was rejected in 2005, which will massively shift more power to Brussels."


Photo: George launches Mid Norfolk petition for a referendum on the European Treaty