10 July 2024
George Freeman reiterates his commitment to support local businesses

Business confidence and investment in the East and in Norfolk is the key to raising prosperity and opportunity.  

Having had a career running high growth businesses here in the East before Parliament I would say business in our area need a few key things:

🚩political stability & clear policy signals 

🚩an East Anglian Mayor to drive big infrastructure investment to upgrade our road, rail, digital, water & energy connectivity 

🚩Planning:  with Tourism our No1 industry - as cannot allow the destruction of our world famous  coastal landscape & bird habitats by massive energy pylons & substations 

🚩bold reform of offshore wind connectivity via an offshore N Sea ring main connecting at Bacton & Sizewell instead of hundreds of pylons & cables 

🚩serious private / public partnerships for Town Centre & Coastal regeneration 

🚩Lower VAT on Pubs and self employed small businesses 

🚩Innovation: a plan to grow the Norwich Research Park and Hethel Innovation Centre out to the SW of Norfolk “the Norfolk Research Triangle” for Town & Village regeneration- NOT surround Norwich with massive commuter estates for yet more traffic on the A11 and A47. 

🚩Skills: building on the success of the Academy & Apprenticeship program with a crusade for upskilling Norfolk school leavers for todays high tech workforce


Read the EDP article here