29 March 2011
George calls to connect people to a “basic service” in Rural Broadband Debate

In a debate in Parliament about extending broadband in rural areas, George highlighted the payback opportunities from Government investment in broadband infrastructure.

In the Budget, George’s long running campaigns for regional growth, enterprise and recognition of the impact of fuel in rural areas were met with a positive response from the Chancellor which impressed the Tory MP. “I believe that with the right notion and public policies we can unlock a radical renaissance of British enterprise and new jobs in our area” said George.

After the debate, Mr Freeman added “Broadband is not a luxury. It’s a basic fundamental of modern business and family life. Rural areas need it just as much if not more than urban areas. Broadband can play a key part in rebalancing our economy and supporting local employment.

“Rural broadband would be a small investment for the return that would be gained. Rural areas could generate much more for our economy if they had broadband. It’s also a key to modern education and training; starting a business; finding a job or simply communicating”, said the Tory MP.

George’s speech can be seen here:
| Hansard