1 November 2007
Litter is no laughing matter. Our society is facing a waste crisis. Hundreds of tons of waste are being dumped illegally each year in our area in hedges, verges, farmers' fields, and on waste land. We need a new approach that rewards responsible citizens

George is pushing for a more flexible approach from local councils to the needs of households in disposing of waste.

"Families with young children, like our own, families caring for elderly friends and relatives, and families with frequent visitors should not be forced to pile up stinking rubbish over long periods, especially in summer when it becomes a public health nuisance."

Too strict waste regulations simply drive people to dump waste - often on other people's land and property. We need a system based more on incentives and credits for good waste disposal and recycling, less on punitive regulations and red tape, with punishment for irresponsible fly tipping.