29 May 2024
Dissolution of Parliament and New Boundaries

With the General Election on Thursday July 4th, Parliament “dissolves” tonight at midnight – at which point I cease to be a Member of Parliament and become a Candidate for the new Mid Norfolk constituency.

(See more on the new Mid Norfolk boundaries by clicking the link here and then searching Mid Norfolk).

This means I can no longer use my Parliamentary office, staff or equipment, and cannot reply to any emails that are sent to my @parliament.uk email address (other than emergency casework for Constituents in extremis such as a house eviction or domestic violence threat which needs local public agency intervention)

For any and all correspondence please email me on george@georgefreeman.co.uk and I will endeavour to answer as many emails as I can myself during the 5 weeks of the campaign as best I can.

My MP website www.georgefreeman.co.uk remains live – with details of my work as MP over the last 14 years – but will not be updated from tonight.

If honoured to be re-elected I will of course pick up all outstanding MP correspondence on my return (but if not – it has been an honour to serve as your Member of Parliament).