5 February 2017
Digital Divide

While a huge amount of progress has been made over the last few years, too many rural areas are still not clear when or if they will be connected to fast broadband.

That’s why I organised a recent meeting of the “Digital Divide” Alliance of East Anglian businesses and service providers where we heard from the Minister for Digital, Rt. Hon Matt Hancock MP.

Much progress has been made in connecting 95% of the UK to fast broadband. But due to the rural nature of Norfolk we are at 87%.

Having spent fifteen years as an entrepreneur before coming to Parliament, I know how vital a proper broadband connection is to local businesses and families across our area.

Rest assured, I will go on making sure we continue tackling the remaining not-spots in our area, and ensure every business and family in Mid Norfolk has the high-speed connection they need. By working together, we will close the Digital Divide.

Photo: Matt Hancock, MP, Minister of State (Department for Culture, Media and Sport) (Digital Policy), Clarke Willis, Chief Executive of Anglia Farmers, George Freeman, MP.