Have an interest in the Vattenfall onshore substation works at Necton?
Vattenfall will be at Necton Community Centre TOMORROW – Tuesday 18th April – between 12noon and 7pm to share more information about their construction plans.
Topics on the agenda include:
Traffic Management
Substation Design Review and Construction
Principal Contractors
Community Benefit Fund
Skills and Employment Opportunities
While permission for the applications has been granted, it is still vital that the local community are involved in the discussions and have their say. I remain firmly committed to helping local residents, businesses and community groups be heard – especially on the topic of Community Benefits. The areas most impacted by the works MUST get the largest share of the benefits, and have the strongest voice in how the funds are spent.
If YOU are available to drop in tomorrow, please do so.
Alternatively, you can set up a virtual appointment with the Vattenfall project team via the link here: https://vattenfallnorfolk.simplybook.it/v2/
To stay up to date with all my work on this application and the wider Offshore Wind campaign that I set up, please click here.