6 February 2023
Café Contrast – Watton

Vibrant and thriving town centres need vibrant and thriving small businesses. As a former small businessman myself (and now in my third spell as a Business Minister), I have long been passionate about supporting and enhancing our local high streets and local business communities.

That’s why it was such a joy to visit Café Contrast on the Watton High Street this past Friday – meeting with owner Tina, her mum and daughter, alongside Cllr Claire Bowes, to celebrate Tina’s remission from cancer and the reopening of her brilliant Portuguese café bistro.

Anecdotally, I know how popular this wonderful local business is in Watton and I was thrilled to be put in touch with Tina by local councillors Claire Bowes and Tina Kiddell. The café has become a real hub on the High Street and it was a pleasure to learn more about Tina’s plans.

If YOU run a local business and would be interested in welcoming me and bending my ear, please do drop me an email at george.freeman.mp@parliament.uk

I look forward to continuing my programme of regular local business visits in the coming weeks and months.