24 November 2015
Broadband Access

In this modern age I believe decent broadband and mobile coverage should be available to everyone and should not be thought of as something rural areas can get by without. For too long too many rural areas have been neglected in digital connectivity and I have long been calling for access to broadband to be classified as a ‘utility’ (like other basic services such as water and electricity) and I am absolutely delighted that the Government has now committed to doing just this. Access to the Internet in our modern, digitized society cannot be considered a luxury and this is something I have been campaigning on for the past 5 years through my Digital Divide campaign and Broadband Summits. It is absolutely fundamental to life in 21st century Britain: so I’m delighted that we are committing that by the end of this Parliament, everyone will have a legal right to at least a 10 Mbps connection, meaning that every home and business can have access to the fast broadband they need.

Click here to read more about my Digital Divide Campaign

Click here to read more about the Government’s announcement