24 July 2014

Attleborough is facing all the familiar challenges of a historic market town coping with new housing and the need to combine growth with heritage and a strong local community.

That's why I am delighted to have suggested we convene the recent Community Meeting to help the Town Council, working with our local Breckland and County Councillors, to create a Town Plan with a long term vision for Attleborough.

It’s important any Plan has strong grass roots 'ownership' and reflects resident’s aspirations and frustrations today.

With this local vision and leadership I believe we could secure Attleborough’s status as a thriving and beautiful market town in an increasingly prosperous part of East Anglia.

Photo (l to r) Sarah Foulger, Colin Kilby, Phil Leslie, George, Tony Perkins, Richard Middleton, Eddie Tyrer, Neil McShane, Terry Cracknell