Supporting Local Healthcare Charities

When I first stood for election as your MP, I ran under a campaign for a better politics called ‘It Starts Here’. It is something I have always believed in profoundly – that it is through the grassroots that we make a real difference, changing communities for the better.

That’s why I’ve been so proud to support inspiring local healthcare charities and projects like the Wymondham Dementia Café over the last five years, and served as the parliamentary lead for the Movember charity campaign in the House of Commons. Though rural areas like ours face many challenges over the coming decades with a high elderly population and rapidly increasing demand, local healthcare charities are doing pioneering work in our communities, helping residents from all our towns and villages.

I will go on working with local charities to make sure every community has the support they need. That’s why I’ve started a year-long healthcare charities project on Twitter, highlighting one healthcare charity a day to promote the great work they do and continuing to work within Government to support our local NHS, through the landmark commitment to increase funding for local health services by over £8bn a year.

If you would like to find out more about my work on this campaign, follow me on Twitter or sign up to my email updates.