30 November 2012
The perception of the farming industry is that it is old fashioned, has poor career aspects and a declining output.

With an ageing workforce and an ageing population (in Norfolk), it has meant that enticing young people to this growing business has been hard.

That is why I presented my co-ordinated Government Strategy for Agricultural Science to agricultural leaders and MP’s at recent Anglia Farmers meeting.

I explained that; to encourage economic growth and trade our way out of debt we must develop and sell products and services that the rest of the world needs. Our life science base in biomedicine, agriculture and 'cleantech' can help us develop technologies to deliver sustainably the ever greater productivity required both here and by the pace of growth in the emerging economies.

I will continue highlighting and promoting the great research base that we have here in Norfolk, combined with innovative Cambridge clusters so that we can ensure that the agricultural industry continues to be noticed as one of extreme importance to our county.