25 January 2019

We need offshore renewable energy but the infrastructure must be properly planned. The current proposals to wreck huge swathes of Norfolk and Suffolk countryside with multiple substations the size of Wembley Stadium (one for each wind farm) instead of installing a proper offshore ring-main and single landfall sub-station, are bonkers.

The National Grid are letting us all down and allowing the planning system to be exploited by massive global energy corporations, riding roughshod over local communities and their elected local councils, Councillors and MPs.

I’m happy to have big infrastructure in Mid Norfolk - but the local community must have a say on WHERE it goes and see some local benefit.

I am absolutely determined to speak up for my constituents and take the fight for proper planning to Parliament.

To read the full article in the Watton & Swaffham Times, please see the following link: 

Watton & Swaffham Times